Music, videos, trivia, stories, books, gigs and news. Here you´ll find stuff on the great bands from the 70s and 80s!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Alice Cooper

Always funny to watch the old Cooper videos. "I love the dead" is a great song, by a great performer. Along with Alice Coopers career there´s a lot of nice stories. Here´s a good one: While Cooper was playing a stadium show in the 1970s, a fan threw a live chicken on stage. Cooper, who's from Detroit and unfamiliar with farm animals, generally assumed that since the chicken had wings, it would be able to fly. So he grabbed the chicken and tossed into the air, thinking it would fly out of the stadium, when in fact it went straight down into the crowd, who ripped the bird to pieces. The parts were thrown back on stage, and the headlines later claimed that Cooper bit the head off the chicken, and drank its blood. Frank Zappa later advised Cooper not to tell the real story, simply because "everybody loves it!".

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