
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Aerosmith: Steven Tyler On The Shower Incident (Audio)

Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler was interviewed on the "Today"show this morning (Thursday, October 27th) about the incident on Tuesday when he fell in his hotel bathroom in Paraguay, hitting his face and losing two teeth after he apparently became dizzy due to gastrointestinal problems.

When asked by Matt Lauer if he was "clean and sober," Tyler said, "That's not the issue."

"Being in the program, it's something we have to expect," the singer said of of speculation that he may have fallen off the wagon. "People thinking that is natural and normal. We flew last night from Paraguay after that incident and we're in Argentina for two hours. And anyone who knows anyone who uses substances wouldn't be up at this hour having a talk with Matt Lauer and the rest of America. It's nothing I don't understand. It makes me a little upset. But people think that."

"So you're clean and sober? That's not the issue?" Lauer asked.

"No, it's not the issue," said Tyler, who added he had some food poisoning and also received stitches above his eye.

"Short of having my legs taken off, people are going to expect me on stage no matter what," joked Tyler. "I went out on stage last night and I wore my sunglasses for the first song. I took them off and the crowd roared. It's all about playing to the people. We rocked out. Not only did I break my face, but we broke a house record, so life is beautiful, Matt."

You can watch video footage of Tyler's appearance on "Today" below.

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