
Thursday, May 26, 2011

KISS: PodKISST #44 Sweet Pain

Before the action figures and the comics and the movies and the lunch boxes, KISS were trying out a very different aesthetic; they were dark, dirty, and dangerous! Not yet a full-fledged pop culture phenomenon, KISS had the flexibility to play with constructs such as gender, sexuality, and power in ways that would have been incongruous with their superhero image a few years later.

No greater example exists than the photographs they took with tonight’s guest. If the back cover of “Hotter Than Hell” was a question mark, these pictures were an exclamation point! Whips, chains, blood, and bondage… Gene, Paul, Ace, and Peter… and Megan McCracken!
We’re pleased to bring you this exclusive PodKISSt interview with a woman who witnessed KISS in their infancy, was behind-the-scenes during their early development, became a nubile subject for their lurid delights… and lived to tell the tale!

And if that’s not enough excitement, PodKISSt correspondent Mikeman gets the inside scoop from Keith (KISSonline) Leroux on what the KISS Army can expect when they set sail on the KISS cruise with the Hottest Band in the Land!

Listen to PodKiSST #44 Sweet Pain on this location. Duration: 73 minutes.

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