
Sunday, May 29, 2011

KISS: Eric Singer On Forthcoming Album

Kiss Army Australia recently conducted an interview with KISS drummer Eric Singer. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

Kiss Army Australia: It's been a little over 18 months since the release of"Sonic Boom", an album which had the band much sounding much closer to its trademark '70s sound. How do you see that album now? From your perspective was there anything you though "maybe I should have done that differently" or "I didn't quite nail that?"

Eric: "Sonic Boom" was really good and was the first step in the right direction for KISS. The newest record we are now working on at this time will show a natural progression from "Sonic Boom" to KISS 2011 as you will all hear soon enough.

Kiss Army Australia: From the outside looking in it seems as though the band is quite early in the stages of preparing the follow up album. In going about the preparation of the album is there a focus on creating an album that follows in the vein of "Sonic Boom" or is it more of a case of seeing where the band ends up once tracks are "in the can?"

Eric: We are already knee deep into the new record as I write this... All I can say is you will all be very pleased. The material is stronger and more riff oriented and very hard/heavier style. Everyone that has heard material so far is raving about the stuff and we are, too.

Kiss Army Australia: Has your involvement on the new album been any different to "Sonic Boom", or earlier KISS albums?

Eric: As a band we are more comfortable and have more time together under our belts now that really shows in our writing, performances, etc. We work out all the material together in rehearsals as a band before we go into the studio. It really makes for better vibes and performance overall.

Read the entire interview from Kiss Army Australia.

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