
Friday, May 27, 2011

Aerosmith: Joe Perry Interview: I Am Looking Forward to the New Aerosmith CD

Steve Baltin of the newly launched online version of Creem magazine recently conducted an interview with Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

Creem: What are your hopes for Aerosmith musically?

Perry: We always did our songs as vehicles to play live. I think you can hear bits and pieces of it from my last solo record, the way we used to. I hope on the next Aerosmith record I hope we can try some of that the way it used to be a long time ago. Part of it is also just sticking to the roots, the basic roots, which is rock 'n' roll, that's how we started.

Creem: Have you been writing for this record?

Perry: I don't really look at things like, "Oh, it's record time." I'm always writing and stuff. And I was talking to Rick Rubin, who said, "Make a cassette of all the bands you first heard who turned you on, who when you first heard made you go, 'This is it, this is the path, this is where I want to go.' Fill it up with all those songs and listen to them." Sure enough it puts you back in that head space and you start forgetting about Eddie Van Halen's lighting speed, unbelievable guitar playing, Sid Vicious' bleeding nose, disco, alternative music, or what's all the hubbub about.

Creem: How has the break helped you?

Perry: The recent break from Aerosmith has been good because I was able to get away from the daily grind. The last five years I have had three knee surgeries, two of which were replacement, all on my right knee. During the time the band was on break from canceled or postponed shows it allowed me time to work on and put out two solo CDs. I finished a solo CD, got the Joe Perry Project back on the road, and toured with Mötley Crüe and Bad Company in the U.K. Plus I did my own headline tour. So this break comes at a perfect time for me to recharge and get some perspective on things. I am looking forward to the new Aerosmith CD and touring after its release so all of our fans can hear our new music.

Read the entire interview from Creem magazine.

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