
Friday, April 8, 2011

Deep Purple: North American Orchestral Tour Info

With their usual lack of proper PR, the Deep Purple Orchestral Tour has sort of just emerged without any real attempt to big it up in the press at all, which seems a shame. It now looks as if most of the shows during 2011 will take this format, building on Ian Gillan’s occasional shows fronting an orchestra during 2009/10.

That there is confusion is clear from the enquiries we had from North America asking if the band were doing The Concerto.

We still don’t quite know how the shows will be structured, whether it will be a full orchestral performance or if there will be a part with just the band on their own, but it’s an interesting sideline and does at least afford some change of direction for the band after six years of touring following the Rapture album. Given how powerful the Deep Purple tracks sounded at The Royal Albert Hall when backed by the orchestra, this could be an enthralling show.

I was also surprised that the tour image of the band and orchestra in sillhouette is so tasteful, not something we normally associate with DP graphics these days – though they still cannot tear themselves away from the old Mk 3 logo it seems!

DTBOnline store still has the 1999 Albert Hall Concerto show in stock – on both DVD and 2CD versions.

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