Here´s the latest rumours on Van Halen penned by Timmy Abrigg Jr.
"Due to the usual lack of information flowing, Van Halen fans went all kinds of crazy this week at the mere sight of a tweet from Eddie Trunk regarding Van Halen's progress in the studio. When in reality, it pretty much just confirmed the already stated - that the album talked about since last year will appear later this year.... Van Halen's PR department is once again sadly lacking, but there is always hope I guess!
Producer John Shanks' tweets have been sadly useless. He rarely says anything and when he does it is only cryptic, and looking back, there wasn't anything about his work with VH. Another opportunity missed.
Here's what I can add to the current rumours...
Yes, the album is all but done and it appears mixing is underway, but once again, my source (who has been with me all through this) is sticking with the story that the majority of the album was recorded in 2010 with producer Ross Hogarth. John Shanks was called in to help David Lee Roth arrange and record the vocals and put the whole thing together.
I'm told that Eddie has played most of the bass parts, but will likely not be credited on the album for that.
Producer John Shanks' tweets have been sadly useless. He rarely says anything and when he does it is only cryptic, and looking back, there wasn't anything about his work with VH. Another opportunity missed.
Here's what I can add to the current rumours...
Yes, the album is all but done and it appears mixing is underway, but once again, my source (who has been with me all through this) is sticking with the story that the majority of the album was recorded in 2010 with producer Ross Hogarth. John Shanks was called in to help David Lee Roth arrange and record the vocals and put the whole thing together.
I'm told that Eddie has played most of the bass parts, but will likely not be credited on the album for that.
My source also tells me that one of his contacts heard one track with the working title of Lift. It was described as having "a Van Hagar flavor to it" and that "Dave's vocals were done in a very low baritone key."
Lastly, I heard from a venue in Europe that they were offered a mid-year date for a Van Halen with Ozzy Osbourne tour package. I can't confirm that in any way, but take it as yet another rumour to consider.
That's all until next time..."
Van Halen opened for Black Sabbath in 1978, possibly because they were stable-mates at Warner in the States. Van Halen were said to have upstaged Sabbath on that tour, as the latter were at the end of their rope with an album lighter than the rest and Ozzy going off again. If VH and solo Ozzman double headline, it may be early days getting it together. I would still go see him, though I was never that much into VH.