
Monday, March 28, 2011

Kirk Hammett On His Early Career (That Metal Show)

Kirk Hammett was a big "get" for That Metal Show's hosts, they`ve been chasing members of Metallica since the show debuted. Apparently, host Eddie Trunk managed to lure Hammett, who doesn't own a TV, with an obscure classic metal guitarist serving as bait.

"I had to finesse Kirk to do the show, since he lives in Hawaii and is surfing," Trunk said. "I emailed him for a month, telling him to get off the surfboard and come to LA and tape. How I (convinced him involved) a relatively obscure guitarist named Uli Jon Roth, who was the guitarist in the Scorpions in the 1970s. I knew Kirk was a big fan of Uli, so I said if I could get the second guest be Uli, would he do the show? Kirk said, 'That would be awesome,' so I reached out to Uli, who lives in Germany, and he flew in for it."

Watch a clip of Trunk's interview with Kirk Hammett below.

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