
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Alice Cooper Talks "Welcome 2 My Nightmare" recently talked with Alice Cooper about "Welcome 2 My Nightmare" and other topics. Read excerpts below.

Noisecreep: What can we expect from '"Welcome 2 My Nightmare?"

Alice Cooper: It will be out next year. We have to do the whole festivals tour first which will be South America, Australia, Europe, Canada, all over the States. That's going to be a big kind of heavy Alice show. But the (tour) after that will be Welcome To My Nightmare Part Two – "Welcome 2 My Nightmare", and it's going to be a full-out nightmare so I almost can't wait for that one. The next show is going to be fun. The show after that, the nightmare show, is going to be unbelievable.

N: Are you going to whip out the guillotines and all of that?

AC: Oh yeah. The magic screen – everything.

N: Do you have a favorite stage prop?

AC: Well you know when you're going to kill Alice, you can't kill him slow. You have to do something that is going to make the audience go "Ahh". The guillotine gets that reaction every night. The hanging gets that reaction. The electric chair doesn't. You know, the electric chair is just too slow of a death. You have to get something that makes people go "Uhh". You know, when you see the head actually come off and roll off. You go, "they actually killed him -- they killed him" (laughs).

Read the full interview on Noisecreep.

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