
Monday, February 21, 2011

Whitesnake Guitarist Doug Aldrich on "Forevermore"

The new Whitesnake album will be featured as a gift with Classic Rock Magazine.

Metal Shrine recently conducted an interview with Whitesnake guitarist Doug Aldrich, talking abouth the new album "Forevermore", the release of "Live At Donnington 1990" and more. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

Doug: We did! I think it really reflects in the sound on the record. It's a little more loose, overall, in a good way, I think. I think it was set up that way by David [Coverdale, vocals] in the very beginning of this record where he said "Let's involve everybody as much as we can on this record!" "Good To Be Bad" was more David and I holed up away at his house, whereas this one, David rented a special house for us to work at and everyone could come and it was great.

Metal Shrine: When did you start writing for the album?

Doug: We started… well, really I started at the end of 2009 working on ideas on my own. David had said that he might wanted to make a record and maybe it could be more acoustic-based. I started working on a lot of acoustic stuff and the first song we wrote was in January in 2010, which was "One Of These Days" which is kind of acoustic based and then little by little we started getting into some heavier stuff. Somebody else told me that maybe the record's not quite as heavy as "Good To Be Bad", but they enjoy it more, so I think that's kind of how I feel too.

Metal Shrine: I think it's got a bit more of the classic Whitesnake sound. I've been listening to it for the last couple of days and I've got some favorite tracks on there. Especially the title track, "Forevermore", where David sings really good and there's a really cool melody to it.

Doug: You know what? That was the last song that we wrote. That was at the very end. I said to David, "I've got this idea for an acoustic thing that could potentially turn into a real epic, because there's so many places that song could go." It could've been a heavy song or do one verse and then when it got to the chorus, you'd bring the band in. There's a lot of different ways to do it, but I showed him the basic stuff and the melody that he sang was pretty much exactly the melody that he did. Obviously he had real lyrics to write, but his melody was so cool. The first chord to that thing is major and then it goes to a minor chord on the second chord. He just hit that note right away and his tone is so huge, so then the song just kind of stayed on its own until we got control of it and then it got heavy. We've taken a couple of weeks off, so I haven't talked to Davidabout it, but we did do a straight acoustic version of "Forevermore" and it's just amazing. I hope you get to hear it! It's super good and no drums or
electric guitar and it's just really cool.

Read the full interview on Metal Shrine.

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