
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Bill Ward: "Accountable Beasts"; New Solo Album In The Works; "It's Very Fucking Heavy"

Groovey.TV recently conducted an interview with Bill Ward. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below. 

Groovey.TV: What are your plans for the rest of the year? What else are you working on?

Bill Ward: Right now we are doing all the promo for this project. I'm also in the studio still trying to finish my album to be which is called "Accountable Beasts", and we are getting closer ever single week to having that getting complete. It's been a long time coming but we are in there bit by bit a little bit by bit.

Groovey.TV: Do you have a release date yet?

Bill Ward: I would like to think that it will be out very very soon. I need twenty more days to mix or thereabouts. I could maybe do it in fifteen. Everything is at mix level, so we got about 40 percent more mix on about eight tracks. Then that's all, we've done it, it's finished.

Groovey.TV: What's the vibe and feel of "Accountable Beasts"?

Bill Ward: It's very heavy. It's very fucking heavy. I play drums on 90% of the tracks. We've really gone balls out, you know. When I came off the last Black Sabbath tour, I was so ramped up, I could have gone round again one more time. I was full of energy and some of these tracks were laid down literally weeks after I came back. I was inspired to make it loud and make it hardcore, so there's some strong tracks on "Accountable Beasts". One of them, we got bass-drum tempos that nearly killed me. [laughs] They're pretty fast, man. When I see people like Dave Lombardo [Slayer], who is a buddy of mine, working around these guys, it's like, "Man, give me some of that." So I was very inspired after the last Black Sabbath tour. I thought the gigs were absolutely brilliant, I thought the band played fantastic, considering everything that was going on we played really well. It really is a stimulant from that, and that's how the album got started. As time has gone on, and we gradually got more finances into the production, we added more things and written more songs for it. So I'm hoping it will be out quite soon.

Read the entire interview at Groovey.TV.

1 comment:

  1. Sure Bill. you have said this time and time again. Hope it is true.
