
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Roger Glover: New In Depth Interview Available

Veteran music journalist and author Martin Popoff of recently sat down with Deep Purple bass player Roger Glover for a chat. They talked about the new solo album among many topics. Read excerpts below:

MP: With this record, nothing is simple. There are in fact 15 tracks and everyone from old drinking buddies Dan McCafferty and Pete Agnew plus Roger’s gorgeously singing daughter Gillian (ha, was that naming a joke?) show up and sing, along with vulnerable Rog. But make no mistake, the album is very reflective of a life lived, which eventually leads to reflection upon mortality. Or not. 

RG: “Well, the best thing is not to think about it, and it will go away. I don’t know. Of course, I thought about that when I turned 30. I thought, ‘Oh, this is it; life’s over. It’s all downhill from here.’ And of course it wasn’t. In fact, it was uphill (laughs). That’s actually quite funny. I don’t know, I think as you get older, obviously, maturity comes into play, and maybe you don’t take yourself so seriously. Or maybe you take yourself more seriously. I don’t know which one it is. I’m probably guilty of both. But honestly, I don’t think about it. I’ve never been one to think about the future, ever. All the big decisions in my life happened to me, rather than just happen by themselves. And so I’ve probably grown up with this philosophy of, ‘Don’t plan.’ As soon as you plan, you’re involved in a fight to make those plans come through, and why fight? I think in general, life is going to roll over us, and we’re going to go with that whether we like it or not. And with the plans you make… you certainly have to book flights if you have to fly somewhere – that’s planning – but you know what I mean? The deeper sense of planning, I don’t do that. I’ve never imagined joining a band that would have lasted this long. I couldn’t have planned it better (laughs). But the fact that I didn’t plan it, it’s probably more valid.” 

Read the complete interview on this location.

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