
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Uriah Heep: New Interview With Mick Box

Jeb Wright of Classic Rock Revisited recently caught up with Uriah Heep's Mick Box. An excerpt from their chat follows:

Jeb: Do you ever find inspiration for music by reflecting back on the past accomplishments, and tragedies, that Heep has endured?

Mick: "I have done that in the past with 'Between Two Worlds', which was about trying to find a space between the real world, and the other world, where I could meet David (Byron) and Gary (Thain) and see them for a short time to see how they were doing, and to let them know I am keeping alive the musical legacy that they left on earth."

Jeb: A lot of classic bands are faced with realties that the end is closer than ever before. What will be the final straw for Uriah Heep and Mick Box?

Mick: "As long as we enjoy what we do, and we have our health, there is no need to stop. I think you only retire when there is no audience for you to play to. Luckily, for Heep, we have an audience in 53 countries. We have a very special relationship with our fans, and we appreciate their support more than you can imagine."

To read the interview in its entirety, click

Uriah Heep's next show is May 6th in Oldenburg, Germany. The band's complete tour schedule can be viewed at
this location.

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