
Sunday, April 3, 2011

"The Deep Purple Diary 1968 - 1976"; New Book Out Soon

Nigel Young's epic book documenting Deep Purple's live gigs from their formation in 1968 to the final shows in 1976 is still "on the go". The big problem has been the sheer size of the tome, and the latest plan to get around this is to do it in two matching volumes. This way the space needed to do the research justice can be found without compromising. I appreciate that the delays have been frustrating and I'm twisting Nigel's arm hard to get at least Volume One to press this year.

If you're not familiar with the contents, read on... At its most basic, the book lists the band's gigs in chronological order. There are dates, venues and support bands where known.

Reviews of the gigs are included where these exist, sourced from newspapers or the recollections of people who were there. Where tickets, press adverts or posters survive, scans are included.

Linking all this is a chronological narrative, which fills in details of recording sessions, release dates, solo work, rehearsals and any other notable activities. It's a great Deep Purple reference work, but there's also a huge amount of reading in it as well. The format is softback, colour front and back. Page count is still being determined. We'll be keeping you updated on the site as this exciting project progresses. The plan is to make it available to fans via DPAS Mail Order first but it will also be distributed via regular book stores.

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