
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Slash: Loves Discovering Great New Rock 'N' Roll Bands

Noisecreep recently conducted an interview with Slash. Read excerpts below.

Slash puts a lot of time and energy into looking out for newer artists. Whether it's inviting relatively unknown singers like Rocco DeLuca to sing on his albums or offering new bands the chance to tour with him, the axe-slinger always gives back to the music community. Slash's latest passion is Guitar Center Presents Your Next Record, which was launched in February 2010. The project is a first-of-its-kind unsigned band competition.

After sifting through more than 12,000 demo entries, Slash and legendary producer Mike Clink (Guns N' Roses,
Megadeth) handpicked a Northern California band called State Line Empire to receive the ultimate career-boosting opportunity courtesy of Guitar Center. The prize package included a $10,000 Guitar Center shopping spree, various endorsement deals, an opening slot on Slash's Monster Energy Bash, and more.

Noisecreep: At this point in your career, why is identifying undiscovered talent so important to you?

Slash: It's crucial. For people to hear exciting new music, new talent has to be discovered in some shape or form. The way that it used to be done is not really in practice anymore, so the system needs people to go out and look for it, and figure out a way to get new music out there.

Read the entire interview on Noisecreep.

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