
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sammy Hagar Talks About His New Book (Video)

Sammy Hagar recently appeared on Imus In The Morning, featuring host Don Imus, to discuss his new autobiography, "Red: My Uncensored Life In Rock". Check out the interview below.

Hagar was recently in Toronto celebrating Canadian Music Week and promoting his book. During the Hagar celebrity interview, Sammy revealed the title of Chickenfoot's forthcoming second album – "Chickenfoot IV".

Sammy told a capacity crowd in the Ballroom at the Fairmont Royal York in Toronto: “We’ve got 11 songs written and recorded. I’ve done seven vocal tracks and it’s fantastic! Hopefully it’ll be out by the end of the year, but it’s hard to say when ‘cause we don’t have a record deal. We’re not looking for one. We had a one-off deal with Best Buy and Redline Records which was a fantastic thing, I gotta tell ya. There ain’t many record companies out there anymore and if there is, they don’t do much for you. They put the record out and if it sells, great. If it don’t, you’re fucked. It’s a strange world. The record industry’s pretty much in the toilet right now. We don’t care. We’re just finishing this record. Then we’ve got to make a record deal."

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