
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nikki Sixx: Vince Neil Is "One Of The Greatest Frontmen Of All Time"

Revolver magazine recently conducted an interview with Mötley Crüe/Sixx: A.M. bassist Nikki Sixx for a cover story in its March/April 2011 issue. An excerpt from the chat follows below.

Revolver: You're very candid in the ("This Is Gonna Hurt: Music, Photography And Life Through The Distorted Lens Of Nikki Sixx") book about how you feel about the guys in Crüe: You love them, but you don't hang out the way you once did. You guys have never even been to each other's current homes. Was the book a way to restart a conversation, or is this something you've told them already?

Sixx: I've talked — we talk to each other. I thought it was interesting because Vince (Neil, Crüe vocalist) put out a book ("Tattoos & Tequila: To Hell and Back with One of Rock's Most Notorious Frontmen") recently. He had a ghostwriter, and the guy called me up and said, "You wanna talk about Vince?" So I told him my feelings about Vince: I really feel he's one of the greatest frontmen of all time and has such a unique sound, and I feel so blessed to have him in my life, and I don't think he understands how much I actually love him. The guy was like, "Thank you," and then — and it's the last thing he said — he goes, "You know, Vince didn't say those things about you." And I was like, "Oh, well, that's his right to do that." He goes, "Is there anything else you wanna say?" I said, "Oh, you want me to say something mean because he said something mean? I don't have anything mean to say."

Read more on this location.

To purchase the March/April 2011 issue of Revolver magazine containing the entire Nikki Sixx interview, visit

You can also watch this great clip of Nikki and Vince discussing "The Dirt", below:

Vince Neil et Nikki Sixx (Mötley Crüe) by BadBoy88

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